On the 19th of Adar 5780 this world lost a precious sole, as our beloved Dylan Beinart passed away. To keep his legacy alive we are writing a Sefer Torah in his memory. Every time this Torah will be used it will bring blessing in Dylan's merit. The Torah will be donated to Chabad of Greenstone. Please contribute generously in this special project, that will bring much comfort to Dylan’s family. I would like to dedicate A letter - R180 A letter for a child (under Bar/Bat Mitzvah) R54 A word R540 A passuk - verse R1800 A chapter - R5400 A Parsha - portion R18,000 A Sefer -book R54,000 Year round Mantel R15,000 High holy days Mantel R15,000 Own amount Full Name First Name Last Name If dedicating for family members etc please enter their names E-mail Total Paying Payment Credit Card EFT Credit Card Visa MasterCard American Express Credit Card Type Credit Card Number Security Code 1 - January 2 - February 3 - March 4 - April 5 - May 6 - June 7 - July 8 - August 9 - September 10 - October 11 - November 12 - December Expiration Month 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Expiration Year Chabad Greenstone Nedbank Act # 1140164376 Branch # 19660500 Please ensure to use ref Torah/Last Name Should be Empty: Submit This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.